February 20, 2018

LIG Nanowise recognised as one of the top 100 innovative businesses in Manchester

We are delighted to announce that LIG Nanowise has been named one of the top 100 most innovative businesses in Greater Manchester.

The list was complied by BQ magazine in collaboration with the Business Growth Hub and our inclusion reflects our work with microsphere lens technology. 

This year we have started shipping our NANOPSIS M materials nanoscope - a super-resolution bright field microscope that brings routine optical imaging into super-resolution (50 - 200 nm) for the first time.

The NANOPSIS M makes super-resolution accessible, easy to use, and none destructive and is the first to market of our microsphere enabled technologies.

NANOPSIS - www.nanopsis.com
BQ Magazine - http://www.bqlive.co.uk/
Businesses Growth Hub - https://www.businessgrowthhub.com/