Label-free Super-resolution Imaging of Adenoviruses by Submerged Microsphere Optical Nanoscopy
Because of the small sizes of most viruses (typically 5–150nm), standard optical microscopes, which have an optical diffraction limit of 200nm, are not generally suitable for their direct observation. Electron microscopes usually require specimens to be placed under vacuum conditions, thus making them unsuitable for imaging live biological specimens in liquid environments. Indirect optical imaging of viruses has been made possible by the use of fluorescence optical microscopy that relies on the stimulated emission of light from the fluorescing specimens when they are excited with light of a specific wavelength, a process known as labeling or self-fluorescent emissions from certain organic materials. In this paper, we describe direct white-light optical imaging of 75-nm adenoviruses by submerged microsphere optical nanoscopy (SMON) without the use of fluorescent labeling or staining. The mechanism involved in the imaging is presented. Theoretical calculations of the imaging planes and the magnification factors have been verified by experimental results, with good agreement between theory and experiment."
Read MoreSeptember 27, 2013